Exploring Reincarnation【電子書籍】[ Toni Ann Winninger ]


<p>Exploring Reincarnation is a study guide from the Masters of the Spirit World to explain in detail the "journey of the soul." Their thoughts were channeled by the American clear channel psychic, Toni Ann Winninger. The book incorporates the Masters' definitive little Handbook, which has proved popular with students of metaphysics since its release in 2009. It is now accompanied with a helpful commentary by Peter Watson Jenkins to clarify the ideas and terms used in this important spiritual study. The second two thirds of the Guide comprises seven essays on issues of importance in the soul's experiences on planet Earth. The Masters have provided a new essay on health and healing. Their ideas about life lessons, previously outlined on their blog, assist us to understand the larger purpose of our being here. They discuss specific issues where the spirit world takes a very different view from many human beings. These concern: abortion, heaven and hell, suicide, homosexuality, and God belief. A question and answer session involves Peter Jenkins who asks questions about spirit life on the Other Side, is channeled by Toni Winninger, and involves fascinating answers to well considered questions.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:536円
  • レビュー件数:0件
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